NES for Spring 5 Available Versions

What packages are included in NES for Spring 5?

NES for Spring 5: Foundations

Package NameVersion
Spring Framework5.3.x (Latest of 5.3.39)
spring-aopInherits version of Spring Framework (above)
spring-aspectsInherits version of Spring Framework (above)
spring-beansInherits version of Spring Framework (above)
spring-contextInherits version of Spring Framework (above)
spring-context-supportInherits version of Spring Framework (above)
spring-coreInherits version of Spring Framework (above)
spring-expressionInherits version of Spring Framework (above)
spring-jclInherits version of Spring Framework (above)
spring-jdbcInherits version of Spring Framework (above)
spring-testInherits version of Spring Framework (above)
spring-txInherits version of Spring Framework (above)
spring-webInherits version of Spring Framework (above)
spring-webmvcInherits version of Spring Framework (above)
Package NameVersion
Spring Boot2.7.x (Latest of 2.7.18)
spring-bootInherits version of Spring Boot (above)
spring-boot-actuatorInherits version of Spring Boot (above)
spring-boot-actuator-autoconfigureInherits version of Spring Boot (above)
spring-boot-autoconfigureInherits version of Spring Boot (above)
spring-boot-autoconfigure-processorInherits version of Spring Boot (above)
spring-boot-dependenciesInherits version of Spring Boot (above)
spring-boot-parentInherits version of Spring Boot (above)
spring-boot-starterInherits version of Spring Boot (above)
spring-boot-starter-actuatorInherits version of Spring Boot (above)
spring-boot-starter-aopInherits version of Spring Boot (above)
spring-boot-starter-jdbcInherits version of Spring Boot (above)
spring-boot-starter-log4j2Inherits version of Spring Boot (above)
spring-boot-starter-loggingInherits version of Spring Boot (above)
spring-boot-starter-mailInherits version of Spring Boot (above)
spring-boot-starter-parentInherits version of Spring Boot (above)
spring-boot-starter-securityInherits version of Spring Boot (above)
spring-boot-starter-testInherits version of Spring Boot (above)
spring-boot-starter-thymeleafInherits version of Spring Boot (above)
spring-boot-starter-freemarkerInherits version of Spring Boot (above)
spring-boot-starter-tomcatInherits version of Spring Boot (above)
spring-boot-testInherits version of Spring Boot (above)
spring-boot-test-autoconfigureInherits version of Spring Boot (above)
spring-boot-starter-jerseyInherits version of Spring Boot (above)
spring-boot-starter-jettyInherits version of Spring Boot (above)
spring-boot-starter-jsonInherits version of Spring Boot (above)
spring-boot-starter-reactor-nettyInherits version of Spring Boot (above)
spring-boot-starter-undertowInherits version of Spring Boot (above)
spring-boot-starter-validationInherits version of Spring Boot (above)
spring-boot-starter-webfluxInherits version of Spring Boot (above)
spring-boot-starter-webInherits version of Spring Boot (above)
Package NameVersion
Spring Boot Dev Tools
spring-boot-antlibInherits version of Spring Boot (above)
spring-boot-buildpack-platformInherits version of Spring Boot (above)
spring-boot-configuration-metadataInherits version of Spring Boot (above)
spring-boot-configuration-processorInherits version of Spring Boot (above)
spring-boot-devtoolsInherits version of Spring Boot (above)
spring-boot-gradle-pluginInherits version of Spring Boot (above)
spring-boot-jarmode-layertoolsInherits version of Spring Boot (above)
spring-boot-loaderInherits version of Spring Boot (above)
spring-boot-loader-toolsInherits version of Spring Boot (above)
spring-boot-maven-pluginInherits version of Spring Boot (above)
spring-boot-properties-migratorInherits version of Spring Boot (above)
Package NameVersion
Spring Security5.7.12 (Latest 5.8.13)
spring-security-aclInherits version of Spring Security (above)
spring-security-aspectsInherits version of Spring Security (above)
spring-security-casInherits version of Spring Security (above)
spring-security-configInherits version of Spring Security (above)
spring-security-coreInherits version of Spring Security (above)
spring-security-cryptoInherits version of Spring Security (above)
spring-security-dataInherits version of Spring Security (above)
spring-security-dependenciesInherits version of Spring Security (above)
spring-security-taglibsInherits version of Spring Security (above)
spring-security-testInherits version of Spring Security (above)
spring-security-webInherits version of Spring Security (above)

NES for Spring: Essentials


Package NameVersion
Spring Boot2.7.x (latest 2.7.18)
spring-boot-starter-oauth2-clientInherits version of Spring Boot (above)
Spring Security5.7.x (Latest 5.7.12)
spring-security-oauth2-clientInherits version of Spring Security (above)
spring-security-oauth2-coreInherits version of Spring Security (above)
spring-security-oauth2-joseInherits version of Spring Security (above)
spring-security-oauth2-resource-serverInherits version of Spring Security (above)
spring-security-openidInherits version of Spring Security (above)
spring-security-remotingInherits version of Spring Security (above)
spring-security-rsocketInherits version of Spring Security (above)
spring-security-saml2-service-providerInherits version of Spring Security (above)
Spring Security5.8.x (Latest 5.8.14)
spring-security-oauth2-clientInherits version of Spring Security (above)
spring-security-oauth2-coreInherits version of Spring Security (above)
spring-security-oauth2-joseInherits version of Spring Security (above)
spring-security-oauth2-resource-serverInherits version of Spring Security (above)
spring-security-openidInherits version of Spring Security (above)
spring-security-remotingInherits version of Spring Security (above)
spring-security-rsocketInherits version of Spring Security (above)
spring-security-saml2-service-providerInherits version of Spring Security (above)


Package NameVersion
Spring Boot2.7.x (Latest of 2.7.18)
spring-boot-starter-data-cassandraInherits version of Spring Boot (above)
spring-boot-starter-data-cassandra-reactiveInherits version of Spring Boot (above)
spring-boot-starter-data-couchbaseInherits version of Spring Boot (above)
spring-boot-starter-data-couchbase-reactiveInherits version of Spring Boot (above)
spring-boot-starter-data-elasticsearchInherits version of Spring Boot (above)
spring-boot-starter-jooqInherits version of Spring Boot (above)
spring-boot-starter-data-jdbcInherits version of Spring Boot (above)
spring-boot-starter-data-jpaInherits version of Spring Boot (above)
spring-boot-starter-data-ldapInherits version of Spring Boot (above)
spring-boot-starter-data-mongodbInherits version of Spring Boot (above)
spring-boot-starter-data-mongodb-reactiveInherits version of Spring Boot (above)
spring-boot-starter-data-neo4jInherits version of Spring Boot (above)
spring-boot-starter-data-r2dbcInherits version of Spring Boot (above)
spring-boot-starter-data-redisInherits version of Spring Boot (above)
spring-boot-starter-data-redis-reactiveInherits version of Spring Boot (above)
spring-boot-starter-data-restInherits version of Spring Boot (above)
Spring Framework5.3.x (Latest of 5.3.39)
spring-ormInherits version of Spring Framework (above)
spring-oxmInherits version of Spring Framework (above)
spring-instrumentInherits version of Spring Framework (above)
Spring Data Bom (spring-data-bom)2021.2.x (latest 2021.2.18)
Spring Data Build2.7.x (latest 2.7.18)
spring-data-parentInherits version from Spring Data Build
spring-data-buildInherits version from Spring Data Build
spring-data-build-resourcesInherits version from Spring Data Build
Spring Data Commons (spring-data-commons)2.7.x (latest 2.7.18)
Spring Data JDBC2.4.x (latest 2.4.18)
spring-data-jdbcInherits version of Spring Data Relational
spring-data-relationalInherits version of Spring Data Relational
Spring Data JPA (spring-data-jpa)2.7.x (latest of 2.7.18)
Spring Data KeyValue (spring-data-keyvalue)2.7.18
Spring Data LDAP (spring-data-ldap)2.7.18
Spring LDAP2.4.x (latest of 2.4.1)
spring-ldap-coreInherits version of Spring LDAP (above)
spring-ldap-core-tigerInherits version of Spring LDAP (above)
spring-ldap-testInherits version of Spring LDAP (above)
spring-ldap-ldif-coreInherits version of Spring LDAP (above)
spring-ldap-odmInherits version of Spring LDAP (above)
Spring Security5.7.12 (Latest 5.8.13)
spring-security-ldapInherits version of Spring Security (above)
Spring Data MongoDB (spring-data-mongodb)3.4.x (latest of 3.4.18)
Spring Data Redis (spring-data-redis)2.7.x (latest of 2.7.18)
Spring Data R2DBC1.5.x (latest 1.5.18)
spring-data-r2dbcInherits version of Spring Data Relational
Spring Data for Apache Cassandra (spring-data-cassandra)3.4.x (latest of 3.4.18)
Spring Data Couchbase (spring-data-couchbase)4.4.x (latest of 4.4.18)
Spring Data Neo4j (spring-data-neo4j)6.3.x (latest of 6.3.18)
Spring Data Elasticsearch (spring-data-elasticsearch)4.4.x (latest of 4.4.18)
Spring Data Envers (spring-data-envers)2.7.x (latest 2.7.18)


Package NameVersion
Spring AMQP2.4.x (latest of 2.4.17)
spring-amqpInherits version from Spring AMQP (above)
spring-amqp-bomInherits version from Spring AMQP (above)
spring-rabbitInherits version from Spring AMQP (above)
spring-rabbit-streamInherits version from Spring AMQP (above)
spring-rabbit-junitInherits version from Spring AMQP (above)
spring-rabbit-testInherits version from Spring AMQP (above)
Spring Kafka2.9.x (latest of 2.9.13)
spring-kafkaInherits version from Spring Kafka (above)
spring-kafka-bomInherits version from Spring Kafka (above)
spring-kafka-testInherits version from Spring Kafka (above)
Spring Integration5.5.x (latest of 5.5.20)
spring-integration-amqpInherits version from Spring Integration (above)
spring-integration-bomInherits version from Spring Integration (above)
spring-integration-camelInherits version from Spring Integration (above)
spring-integration-cassandraInherits version from Spring Integration (above)
spring-integration-coreInherits version from Spring Integration (above)
spring-integration-debeziumInherits version from Spring Integration (above)
spring-integration-eventInherits version from Spring Integration (above)
spring-integration-feedInherits version from Spring Integration (above)
spring-integration-fileInherits version from Spring Integration (above)
spring-integration-ftpInherits version from Spring Integration (above)
spring-integration-graphqlInherits version from Spring Integration (above)
spring-integration-groovyInherits version from Spring Integration (above)
spring-integration-hazelcastInherits version from Spring Integration (above)
spring-integration-httpInherits version from Spring Integration (above)
spring-integration-ipInherits version from Spring Integration (above)
spring-integration-jdbcInherits version from Spring Integration (above)
spring-integration-jmsInherits version from Spring Integration (above)
spring-integration-jmxInherits version from Spring Integration (above)
spring-integration-jpaInherits version from Spring Integration (above)
spring-integration-kafkaInherits version from Spring Integration (above)
spring-integration-mailInherits version from Spring Integration (above)
spring-integration-mongodbInherits version from Spring Integration (above)
spring-integration-mqttInherits version from Spring Integration (above)
spring-integration-r2dbcInherits version from Spring Integration (above)
spring-integration-redisInherits version from Spring Integration (above)
spring-integration-rsocketInherits version from Spring Integration (above)
spring-integration-scriptingInherits version from Spring Integration (above)
spring-integration-sftpInherits version from Spring Integration (above)
spring-integration-smbInherits version from Spring Integration (above)
spring-integration-stompInherits version from Spring Integration (above)
spring-integration-streamInherits version from Spring Integration (above)
spring-integration-syslogInherits version from Spring Integration (above)
spring-integration-testInherits version from Spring Integration (above)
spring-integration-test-supportInherits version from Spring Integration (above)
spring-integration-webfluxInherits version from Spring Integration (above)
spring-integration-websocketInherits version from Spring Integration (above)
spring-integration-wsInherits version from Spring Integration (above)
spring-integration-xmlInherits version from Spring Integration (above)
spring-integration-xmppInherits version from Spring Integration (above)
spring-integration-zeromqInherits version from Spring Integration (above)
spring-integration-zipInherits version from Spring Integration (above)
spring-integration-zookeeperInherits version from Spring Integration (above)
Spring Batch4.3.x (latest of 4.3.10)
spring-batch-bomInherits version from project version (above)
spring-batch-coreInherits version from project version (above)
spring-batch-docsInherits version from project version (above)
spring-batch-infrastructureInherits version from project version (above)
spring-batch-integrationInherits version from project version (above)
spring-batch-samplesInherits version from project version (above)
spring-batch-testInherits version from project version (above)
Spring Retry (spring-retry)1.3.x (Latest of 1.3.4)
Spring Boot2.7.x (Latest of 2.7.18)
spring-boot-starter-batchInherits version of Spring Boot (above)
spring-boot-starter-artemisInherits version of Spring Boot (above)
spring-boot-starter-cacheInherits version of Spring Boot (above)
spring-boot-starter-activemqInherits version of Spring Boot (above)
spring-boot-starter-amqpInherits version of Spring Boot (above)
spring-boot-starter-integrationInherits version of Spring Boot (above)
Spring Framework5.3.x (Latest of 5.3.39)
spring-jmsInherits version of Spring Framework (above)
spring-messagingInherits version of Spring Framework (above)


Package NameVersion
Spring Boot2.7.x (Latest of 2.7.18)
spring-boot-starter-rsocketInherits version of Spring Boot (above)
spring-boot-starter-websocketInherits version of Spring Boot (above)
spring-boot-starter-web-servicesInherits version of Spring Boot (above)
Spring Data REST (spring-data-rest)3.7.x (latest 3.7.18)
spring-data-rest-coreInherits version from Spring Data REST
spring-data-rest-hal-explorerInherits version from Spring Data REST
spring-data-rest-webmvcInherits version from Spring Data REST
Spring Framework5.3.x (Latest of 5.3.39)
spring-websocketInherits version of Spring Framework (above)
spring-oxmInherits version of Spring Framework (above)
Spring Hateoas (spring-hateoas)1.5.x (latest 1.5.6)
spring-data-rest-coreInherits version from Spring Hateoas
Spring Session (spring-hateoas)2.7.x (latest 2.7.4)
spring-session-coreInherits version from Spring Session
spring-session-data-mongodbInherits version from Spring Session
spring-session-data-redisInherits version from Spring Session
spring-session-hazelcastInherits version from Spring Session
spring-session-jdbcInherits version from Spring Session
Spring WS (spring-hateoas)3.1.x (latest 3.1.8)
spring-ws-coreInherits version from Spring WS
spring-ws-securityInherits version from Spring WS
spring-ws-supportInherits version from Spring WS
spring-ws-testInherits version from Spring WS
spring-xmlInherits version from Spring WS

List subject to change as more packages are added over time.

List Version: 1.6