NES for Spring 5 Available Versions
What packages are included in NES for Spring 5?
NES for Spring 5: Foundations
Package Name | Version |
Spring Framework | 5.3.x (Latest of 5.3.39) |
spring-aop | Inherits version of Spring Framework (above) |
spring-aspects | Inherits version of Spring Framework (above) |
spring-beans | Inherits version of Spring Framework (above) |
spring-context | Inherits version of Spring Framework (above) |
spring-context-support | Inherits version of Spring Framework (above) |
spring-core | Inherits version of Spring Framework (above) |
spring-expression | Inherits version of Spring Framework (above) |
spring-jcl | Inherits version of Spring Framework (above) |
spring-jdbc | Inherits version of Spring Framework (above) |
spring-test | Inherits version of Spring Framework (above) |
spring-tx | Inherits version of Spring Framework (above) |
spring-web | Inherits version of Spring Framework (above) |
spring-webmvc | Inherits version of Spring Framework (above) |
Package Name | Version |
Spring Boot | 2.7.x (Latest of 2.7.18) |
spring-boot | Inherits version of Spring Boot (above) |
spring-boot-actuator | Inherits version of Spring Boot (above) |
spring-boot-actuator-autoconfigure | Inherits version of Spring Boot (above) |
spring-boot-autoconfigure | Inherits version of Spring Boot (above) |
spring-boot-autoconfigure-processor | Inherits version of Spring Boot (above) |
spring-boot-dependencies | Inherits version of Spring Boot (above) |
spring-boot-parent | Inherits version of Spring Boot (above) |
spring-boot-starter | Inherits version of Spring Boot (above) |
spring-boot-starter-actuator | Inherits version of Spring Boot (above) |
spring-boot-starter-aop | Inherits version of Spring Boot (above) |
spring-boot-starter-jdbc | Inherits version of Spring Boot (above) |
spring-boot-starter-log4j2 | Inherits version of Spring Boot (above) |
spring-boot-starter-logging | Inherits version of Spring Boot (above) |
spring-boot-starter-mail | Inherits version of Spring Boot (above) |
spring-boot-starter-parent | Inherits version of Spring Boot (above) |
spring-boot-starter-security | Inherits version of Spring Boot (above) |
spring-boot-starter-test | Inherits version of Spring Boot (above) |
spring-boot-starter-thymeleaf | Inherits version of Spring Boot (above) |
spring-boot-starter-freemarker | Inherits version of Spring Boot (above) |
spring-boot-starter-tomcat | Inherits version of Spring Boot (above) |
spring-boot-test | Inherits version of Spring Boot (above) |
spring-boot-test-autoconfigure | Inherits version of Spring Boot (above) |
spring-boot-starter-jersey | Inherits version of Spring Boot (above) |
spring-boot-starter-jetty | Inherits version of Spring Boot (above) |
spring-boot-starter-json | Inherits version of Spring Boot (above) |
spring-boot-starter-reactor-netty | Inherits version of Spring Boot (above) |
spring-boot-starter-undertow | Inherits version of Spring Boot (above) |
spring-boot-starter-validation | Inherits version of Spring Boot (above) |
spring-boot-starter-webflux | Inherits version of Spring Boot (above) |
spring-boot-starter-web | Inherits version of Spring Boot (above) |
Package Name | Version |
Spring Boot Dev Tools | |
spring-boot-antlib | Inherits version of Spring Boot (above) |
spring-boot-buildpack-platform | Inherits version of Spring Boot (above) |
spring-boot-configuration-metadata | Inherits version of Spring Boot (above) |
spring-boot-configuration-processor | Inherits version of Spring Boot (above) |
spring-boot-devtools | Inherits version of Spring Boot (above) |
spring-boot-gradle-plugin | Inherits version of Spring Boot (above) |
spring-boot-jarmode-layertools | Inherits version of Spring Boot (above) |
spring-boot-loader | Inherits version of Spring Boot (above) |
spring-boot-loader-tools | Inherits version of Spring Boot (above) |
spring-boot-maven-plugin | Inherits version of Spring Boot (above) |
spring-boot-properties-migrator | Inherits version of Spring Boot (above) |
Package Name | Version |
Spring Security | 5.7.12 (Latest 5.8.13) |
spring-security-acl | Inherits version of Spring Security (above) |
spring-security-aspects | Inherits version of Spring Security (above) |
spring-security-cas | Inherits version of Spring Security (above) |
spring-security-config | Inherits version of Spring Security (above) |
spring-security-core | Inherits version of Spring Security (above) |
spring-security-crypto | Inherits version of Spring Security (above) |
spring-security-data | Inherits version of Spring Security (above) |
spring-security-dependencies | Inherits version of Spring Security (above) |
spring-security-taglibs | Inherits version of Spring Security (above) |
spring-security-test | Inherits version of Spring Security (above) |
spring-security-web | Inherits version of Spring Security (above) |
NES for Spring: Essentials
Package Name | Version |
Spring Boot | 2.7.x (latest 2.7.18) |
spring-boot-starter-oauth2-client | Inherits version of Spring Boot (above) |
Spring Security | 5.7.x (Latest 5.7.12) |
spring-security-oauth2-client | Inherits version of Spring Security (above) |
spring-security-oauth2-core | Inherits version of Spring Security (above) |
spring-security-oauth2-jose | Inherits version of Spring Security (above) |
spring-security-oauth2-resource-server | Inherits version of Spring Security (above) |
spring-security-openid | Inherits version of Spring Security (above) |
spring-security-remoting | Inherits version of Spring Security (above) |
spring-security-rsocket | Inherits version of Spring Security (above) |
spring-security-saml2-service-provider | Inherits version of Spring Security (above) |
Spring Security | 5.8.x (Latest 5.8.14) |
spring-security-oauth2-client | Inherits version of Spring Security (above) |
spring-security-oauth2-core | Inherits version of Spring Security (above) |
spring-security-oauth2-jose | Inherits version of Spring Security (above) |
spring-security-oauth2-resource-server | Inherits version of Spring Security (above) |
spring-security-openid | Inherits version of Spring Security (above) |
spring-security-remoting | Inherits version of Spring Security (above) |
spring-security-rsocket | Inherits version of Spring Security (above) |
spring-security-saml2-service-provider | Inherits version of Spring Security (above) |
Package Name | Version |
Spring Boot | 2.7.x (Latest of 2.7.18) |
spring-boot-starter-data-cassandra | Inherits version of Spring Boot (above) |
spring-boot-starter-data-cassandra-reactive | Inherits version of Spring Boot (above) |
spring-boot-starter-data-couchbase | Inherits version of Spring Boot (above) |
spring-boot-starter-data-couchbase-reactive | Inherits version of Spring Boot (above) |
spring-boot-starter-data-elasticsearch | Inherits version of Spring Boot (above) |
spring-boot-starter-jooq | Inherits version of Spring Boot (above) |
spring-boot-starter-data-jdbc | Inherits version of Spring Boot (above) |
spring-boot-starter-data-jpa | Inherits version of Spring Boot (above) |
spring-boot-starter-data-ldap | Inherits version of Spring Boot (above) |
spring-boot-starter-data-mongodb | Inherits version of Spring Boot (above) |
spring-boot-starter-data-mongodb-reactive | Inherits version of Spring Boot (above) |
spring-boot-starter-data-neo4j | Inherits version of Spring Boot (above) |
spring-boot-starter-data-r2dbc | Inherits version of Spring Boot (above) |
spring-boot-starter-data-redis | Inherits version of Spring Boot (above) |
spring-boot-starter-data-redis-reactive | Inherits version of Spring Boot (above) |
spring-boot-starter-data-rest | Inherits version of Spring Boot (above) |
Spring Framework | 5.3.x (Latest of 5.3.39) |
spring-orm | Inherits version of Spring Framework (above) |
spring-oxm | Inherits version of Spring Framework (above) |
spring-instrument | Inherits version of Spring Framework (above) |
Spring Data Bom (spring-data-bom) | 2021.2.x (latest 2021.2.18) |
Spring Data Build | 2.7.x (latest 2.7.18) |
spring-data-parent | Inherits version from Spring Data Build |
spring-data-build | Inherits version from Spring Data Build |
spring-data-build-resources | Inherits version from Spring Data Build |
Spring Data Commons (spring-data-commons) | 2.7.x (latest 2.7.18) |
Spring Data JDBC | 2.4.x (latest 2.4.18) |
spring-data-jdbc | Inherits version of Spring Data Relational |
spring-data-relational | Inherits version of Spring Data Relational |
Spring Data JPA (spring-data-jpa) | 2.7.x (latest of 2.7.18) |
Spring Data KeyValue (spring-data-keyvalue) | 2.7.18 |
Spring Data LDAP (spring-data-ldap) | 2.7.18 |
Spring LDAP | 2.4.x (latest of 2.4.1) |
spring-ldap-core | Inherits version of Spring LDAP (above) |
spring-ldap-core-tiger | Inherits version of Spring LDAP (above) |
spring-ldap-test | Inherits version of Spring LDAP (above) |
spring-ldap-ldif-core | Inherits version of Spring LDAP (above) |
spring-ldap-odm | Inherits version of Spring LDAP (above) |
Spring Security | 5.7.12 (Latest 5.8.13) |
spring-security-ldap | Inherits version of Spring Security (above) |
Spring Data MongoDB (spring-data-mongodb) | 3.4.x (latest of 3.4.18) |
Spring Data Redis (spring-data-redis) | 2.7.x (latest of 2.7.18) |
Spring Data R2DBC | 1.5.x (latest 1.5.18) |
spring-data-r2dbc | Inherits version of Spring Data Relational |
Spring Data for Apache Cassandra (spring-data-cassandra) | 3.4.x (latest of 3.4.18) |
Spring Data Couchbase (spring-data-couchbase) | 4.4.x (latest of 4.4.18) |
Spring Data Neo4j (spring-data-neo4j) | 6.3.x (latest of 6.3.18) |
Spring Data Elasticsearch (spring-data-elasticsearch) | 4.4.x (latest of 4.4.18) |
Spring Data Envers (spring-data-envers) | 2.7.x (latest 2.7.18) |
Package Name | Version |
Spring AMQP | 2.4.x (latest of 2.4.17) |
spring-amqp | Inherits version from Spring AMQP (above) |
spring-amqp-bom | Inherits version from Spring AMQP (above) |
spring-rabbit | Inherits version from Spring AMQP (above) |
spring-rabbit-stream | Inherits version from Spring AMQP (above) |
spring-rabbit-junit | Inherits version from Spring AMQP (above) |
spring-rabbit-test | Inherits version from Spring AMQP (above) |
Spring Kafka | 2.9.x (latest of 2.9.13) |
spring-kafka | Inherits version from Spring Kafka (above) |
spring-kafka-bom | Inherits version from Spring Kafka (above) |
spring-kafka-test | Inherits version from Spring Kafka (above) |
Spring Integration | 5.5.x (latest of 5.5.20) |
spring-integration-amqp | Inherits version from Spring Integration (above) |
spring-integration-bom | Inherits version from Spring Integration (above) |
spring-integration-camel | Inherits version from Spring Integration (above) |
spring-integration-cassandra | Inherits version from Spring Integration (above) |
spring-integration-core | Inherits version from Spring Integration (above) |
spring-integration-debezium | Inherits version from Spring Integration (above) |
spring-integration-event | Inherits version from Spring Integration (above) |
spring-integration-feed | Inherits version from Spring Integration (above) |
spring-integration-file | Inherits version from Spring Integration (above) |
spring-integration-ftp | Inherits version from Spring Integration (above) |
spring-integration-graphql | Inherits version from Spring Integration (above) |
spring-integration-groovy | Inherits version from Spring Integration (above) |
spring-integration-hazelcast | Inherits version from Spring Integration (above) |
spring-integration-http | Inherits version from Spring Integration (above) |
spring-integration-ip | Inherits version from Spring Integration (above) |
spring-integration-jdbc | Inherits version from Spring Integration (above) |
spring-integration-jms | Inherits version from Spring Integration (above) |
spring-integration-jmx | Inherits version from Spring Integration (above) |
spring-integration-jpa | Inherits version from Spring Integration (above) |
spring-integration-kafka | Inherits version from Spring Integration (above) |
spring-integration-mail | Inherits version from Spring Integration (above) |
spring-integration-mongodb | Inherits version from Spring Integration (above) |
spring-integration-mqtt | Inherits version from Spring Integration (above) |
spring-integration-r2dbc | Inherits version from Spring Integration (above) |
spring-integration-redis | Inherits version from Spring Integration (above) |
spring-integration-rsocket | Inherits version from Spring Integration (above) |
spring-integration-scripting | Inherits version from Spring Integration (above) |
spring-integration-sftp | Inherits version from Spring Integration (above) |
spring-integration-smb | Inherits version from Spring Integration (above) |
spring-integration-stomp | Inherits version from Spring Integration (above) |
spring-integration-stream | Inherits version from Spring Integration (above) |
spring-integration-syslog | Inherits version from Spring Integration (above) |
spring-integration-test | Inherits version from Spring Integration (above) |
spring-integration-test-support | Inherits version from Spring Integration (above) |
spring-integration-webflux | Inherits version from Spring Integration (above) |
spring-integration-websocket | Inherits version from Spring Integration (above) |
spring-integration-ws | Inherits version from Spring Integration (above) |
spring-integration-xml | Inherits version from Spring Integration (above) |
spring-integration-xmpp | Inherits version from Spring Integration (above) |
spring-integration-zeromq | Inherits version from Spring Integration (above) |
spring-integration-zip | Inherits version from Spring Integration (above) |
spring-integration-zookeeper | Inherits version from Spring Integration (above) |
Spring Batch | 4.3.x (latest of 4.3.10) |
spring-batch-bom | Inherits version from project version (above) |
spring-batch-core | Inherits version from project version (above) |
spring-batch-docs | Inherits version from project version (above) |
spring-batch-infrastructure | Inherits version from project version (above) |
spring-batch-integration | Inherits version from project version (above) |
spring-batch-samples | Inherits version from project version (above) |
spring-batch-test | Inherits version from project version (above) |
Spring Retry (spring-retry) | 1.3.x (Latest of 1.3.4) |
Spring Boot | 2.7.x (Latest of 2.7.18) |
spring-boot-starter-batch | Inherits version of Spring Boot (above) |
spring-boot-starter-artemis | Inherits version of Spring Boot (above) |
spring-boot-starter-cache | Inherits version of Spring Boot (above) |
spring-boot-starter-activemq | Inherits version of Spring Boot (above) |
spring-boot-starter-amqp | Inherits version of Spring Boot (above) |
spring-boot-starter-integration | Inherits version of Spring Boot (above) |
Spring Framework | 5.3.x (Latest of 5.3.39) |
spring-jms | Inherits version of Spring Framework (above) |
spring-messaging | Inherits version of Spring Framework (above) |
Package Name | Version |
Spring Boot | 2.7.x (Latest of 2.7.18) |
spring-boot-starter-rsocket | Inherits version of Spring Boot (above) |
spring-boot-starter-websocket | Inherits version of Spring Boot (above) |
spring-boot-starter-web-services | Inherits version of Spring Boot (above) |
Spring Data REST (spring-data-rest) | 3.7.x (latest 3.7.18) |
spring-data-rest-core | Inherits version from Spring Data REST |
spring-data-rest-hal-explorer | Inherits version from Spring Data REST |
spring-data-rest-webmvc | Inherits version from Spring Data REST |
Spring Framework | 5.3.x (Latest of 5.3.39) |
spring-websocket | Inherits version of Spring Framework (above) |
spring-oxm | Inherits version of Spring Framework (above) |
Spring Hateoas (spring-hateoas) | 1.5.x (latest 1.5.6) |
spring-data-rest-core | Inherits version from Spring Hateoas |
Spring Session (spring-hateoas) | 2.7.x (latest 2.7.4) |
spring-session-core | Inherits version from Spring Session |
spring-session-data-mongodb | Inherits version from Spring Session |
spring-session-data-redis | Inherits version from Spring Session |
spring-session-hazelcast | Inherits version from Spring Session |
spring-session-jdbc | Inherits version from Spring Session |
Spring WS (spring-hateoas) | 3.1.x (latest 3.1.8) |
spring-ws-core | Inherits version from Spring WS |
spring-ws-security | Inherits version from Spring WS |
spring-ws-support | Inherits version from Spring WS |
spring-ws-test | Inherits version from Spring WS |
spring-xml | Inherits version from Spring WS |
List subject to change as more packages are added over time.
List Version: 1.6