Angular NES Trial Configuration

Step-by-step guide for configuring and installing the Angular Never-Ending Support (NES) trial version, including troubleshooting steps and minimum requirements.


The HeroDevs NES team is proud to offer an integration trial for Angular NES!

This trial version is simply a repackaging of the OSS @angular/core module to demonstrate how Angular NES is a drop-in replacement for the OSS Angular we all know and love. As such it is not production ready and does not contain any fixes.

First, please review our Minimum Requirements to ensure a smooth installation.

Detailed Instructions

Substitute the @angular/core references & include our angular-tools library in your package.json with the following:

  "scripts": {
    "postinstall": "npx ngnes",
    // ...etc.
  "dependencies": {
    "@angular/core": "npm:@neverendingsupport/angular@1.2.3-trial-core",
    // ...etc.
  "devDependencies": {
    "@neverendingsupport/angular-tools": "1.1.1",
    // ...etc.
  "overrides": {
    "@angular/core": { ".": "npm:@neverendingsupport/angular@1.2.3-trial-core" },
    // ...etc.

Installation Notes

  • The version represented above (1.2.3) is a placeholder for the version you are installing
  • Be sure to include the following additions:
    • The @neverendingsupport/angular-tools package, which has tools required for successfully installing and operating Never-Ending Support in legacy Angular projects.
    • The postinstall script, which automatically will run "npx ngnes" on install. This command in made available by the @neverendingsupport/angular-tools package.
    • If postinstall scripts are disabled, you will need to run "npx ngnes" immediately after every install and before running "ng build".

Available Trial Versions

  • 8.2.14-trial-core
  • 10.2.5-trial-core
  • 11.2.14-trial-core
  • 12.2.17-trial-core
  • 13.4.0-trial-core
  • 14.3.0-trial-core
  • 15.2.10-trial-core

Create an .npmrc file with the following:

  • Replace <NES_ACCESS_TOKEN or VALID_EMAIL> with your access token or a valid email address.
  • Using Artifactory? See our Artifactory Instructions for setup and configuration details.

Install your dependencies, then build and run the service:

npm install
### If postinstall scripts are disabled, also run the following command:
# npx ngnes
npx ng serve

And just like that, you're up and running with the Angular NES Trial!


Build Failures

If your build fails with a typing incompatibility error, this is a known issue related to the Angular Compatibility Compiler (ngcc) and initial compilation. While our angular-tools library should address this automatically upon installation, it can fail if postinstall scripts are disabled or packages are installed manually.

If you encounter this error, follow these steps:

  1. Backup your project
  2. Remove your project's entire node_modules/ folder:
rm -rf ./node_modules

This is required as ngcc actually edits packages in the node_modules/ folder.

  1. Install dependencies again:
npm install
  1. Run our tooling before building:
npx ngnes
  1. Build and run your project:
npx ng serve

Installation Issues

If your NPM install fails, packages aren't being replaced, or you encounter other issues, please contact with:

  • Relevant sections of your package.json (applicable dependencies & overrides blocks)
  • Node.js and NPM versions (gather using node -v and npm -v)
  • Last 6 characters of your NES Access Token

Security Notes:

  • Never share your full NES Access Token. No one from the NES team should ever ask for an entire token, even for troubleshooting.
  • Do not include any sensitive or confidential information in your email. We take great pride in being a security focused organization, and one way we help protect our customers is by limiting the information we have access to.