How to configure IP NES

Minimum Requirements

Please review our Minimum Requirements to ensure a smooth installation. Then follow 3 easy steps:

  1. Update your package.json
  2. Create or update your .npmrc file
  3. Install & Run!

Detailed Instructions

Update Your package.json

Substitute the IP dependency in your package.json with the following:

  "devDependencies": {
    "ip": "npm:@neverendingsupport/ip@1.1.9-ip-1.1.10"
  "overrides": {
    "ip": { ".": "npm:@neverendingsupport/ip@1.1.9-ip-1.1.10" }

Transitive Dependencies

Your project might not explicitly list IP as a dependency or devDependency in package.json, but it can still be present in the node_modules directory.

This happens when IP is a transitive dependency — meaning it is not directly imported into your project but is instead included through another dependency or sub-dependency.

To ensure that the HeroDevs NES version is installed correctly, you must manually add IP to both the dependencies and overrides sections of your package.json file.

Create The .npmrc

Create an .npmrc with the following:


Install your dependencies

npm install

Now you can run your integration tests against IP NES

Additional Information

Package NameLatest NES VersionDirect Download Link