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Trial Installation Guide

Learn how to install Drupal 7 NES Trial using direct download, Composer, or Drush installation methods.

Installation Methods

HeroDevs offers three methods for downloading and installing Drupal 7 NES Trial: Composer Installation, Direct Download and Manual Installation, and Drush Installation

Composer Installation

Authentication Setup

Create an auth.json file or update your existing one:

  "bearer": {
    "": "ACCESS_TOKEN"

Repository Configuration

Add the HeroDevs repository to your composer.json file:

"repositories": [
    "type": "composer",
    "url": ""

Package Installation

First, add NES Drupal:

composer require "neverendingsupport/drupal:7.101.2+7.101.1:drupal:trial" --no-update

Then install dependencies:

composer update drupal/drupal --with-dependencies --no-dev

Direct Download and Manual Installation

Download through your browser using Basic Authentication, or use command line tools like cURL by setting authentication headers.

Download Package

Use cURL to download the tarball:

curl --header "Authorization: Bearer $NES_ACCESS_TOKEN" --output ./ \

Configure Composer

Update your composer.json:

"repositories": [
    "type": "package",
    "package": {
      "name": "drupal/drupal",
      "version": "7.101.2",
      "type": "drupal-core",
      "dist": {
        "type": "tar",
        "url": ""
      "autoload": {
        "classmap": ["includes"]
    "type": "composer",
    "url": ""


Clear the composer cache:

composer clear-cache

Update Drupal and its dependencies:

composer update drupal/drupal --with-dependencies --no-dev


Remove the downloaded zip file from your root directory.

Drush Installation

Download Package

Use cURL to fetch the tarball:

NES_D7_VERSION="7.101.2+7.101.1:drupal:trial" && curl --header "Authorization: Bearer $NES_ACCESS_TOKEN" --output ./ \
--location "$NES_D7_VERSION/"

Create Make File

Create drupal7_nes.make with the following content:

core = 7.x
projects[drupal][version] = 7.102
projects[drupal][download][type] = "get"
projects[drupal][download][url] = "file:///var/www/html/"

Run Installation

Execute the make command and complete Drupal's installation:

drush make drupal7_nes.make