Node.js NES Trial

How to download the Node.js NES Trial

Current Trial Versions

  • Node.js v18.20.6 'Hydrogen' (NES)
  • Node.js v16.20.2 'Gallium' (NES)
  • Node.js v14.21.3 'Fermium' (NES)
  • Node.js v12.22.12 'Erbium' (NES)

Fetch Latest Available Versions

To retrieve the full list of available trial versions, run the following command in your terminal:

Trial Versions
All Versions

Download Node.js NES Trial

Node.js NES can be downloaded and installed in several ways. This guide highlights the most common and convenient methods.

Unfortunately, Windows is not supported for trial versions at the moment.

Using NVM

The fastest way to download Node.js is through NVM.

nvm install v16.20.2-nes
nvm use v16.20.2-nes

Alternatively, you can download the binary using curl or wget.

Using curl

To download the binary, your curl command should be formatted like the following:

# Outputs the a tarball or zip to the current working directory

For example, to download the Node.js 16 NES Trial, choose your platform and then run the associated curl command:

Darwin arm64
Darwin x64
Linux x64
curl -sL -O

Using wget

Alternatively, you can use wget to download the binary. The format is as follows:

# Outputs the a tarball or zip to the current working directory

For example, to download the Node.js 16 NES Trial, choose your platform and then run the associated wget command:

Darwin arm64
Darwin x64
Linux x64

Dependending on the version you want to download, you may replace the version, platforms, or architecture with the following values:

  • Versions: v12.22.12-nes, v14.21.3-nes, v16.20.2-nes, v18.20.6-trial-nes
  • Platforms: darwin or linux.
  • Architectures: arm64 or x64.
  • Extensions: .zip or .tar.gz.

See how to fetch the full list of available versions here.

Note: Because Node v18 is being nes-ified before its EOL, we prepend -trial to the version number before the -nes suffix. Remove -trial if you will be installing other versions.

Example: v18.20.6-trial-nes.